Ever painted a room a certain color and started to live with it and realized it just isn't right? That's what happened to me in our laundry room. See below (or read more here):

I painted this board and batten/bench black. But the room was super dark (with only one small window) and the floors were grey, and I just felt like it needed a little something else. So I decided to repaint it all!
I went with Farrow and Ball Pigeon. You can see it below in ChrislovesJulia's living room.

Here is the result (spoiler - it looks a lot better)

I literally love the color. 20/10 recommend if you want a pretty blue/grey neutral. You can see I already started painting the cabinets on the laundry side.

I'm just waiting for the new doors to arrive, and once they are painted this room will almost be complete! Can't wait to share the full transformation!